Linda Cohen, known as the kindness catalyst, discusses the importance of kindness in the workplace and how it can transform organizational culture.
Gigi Rosenberg Podcast
Years ago, when Linda Cohen launched a speaking career on the topic of Kindness, nobody thought it would fly. Flash forward, she’s now known as the “kindness catalyst,” and has created a successful business as a professional speaker and consultant focusing on the ROI of Kindness.
Play Your Position Podcast: The Benefits of Leading with Kindness
In this episode of the Play Your Position podcast, Linda delves into why Linda believes kindness is no longer a nice to have in the workplace, but an imperative skill for leaders and employees to cultivate. She proves again and again that leaders who develop a “kindness practice” build stronger organizations and bigger bottom lines.
How to Make a Positive Impact on People
In this episode of the Year of Joy podcast, we delve into how to make a positive impact on people through kindness. Drawing from Linda’s extensive expertise and her unique perspective, we explore how small acts of kindness can not only change individual lives but also reshape organizational cultures and drive substantial outcomes.
Dancing in the Discomfort Zone Podcast
In this episode of the Dancing in the Discomfort Zone podcast, guest Linda Cohen joins host Anne Bonney, CSP to discuss kindness in everyday actions. Listen to the full episode here.
Kindness and the Bottom Line
In this episode of the #ThoughtLeaderConversations podcast, guest Linda Cohen joins host Roger Courville, CSP to discuss the relationship between kindness and the bottom line.
Your Marketing Moment
Your Marketing Moment podcast is hosted by John Nee with author, keynote speaker, and The Kindness Catalyst Linda Cohen. In this episode, Linda shares how her marketing moment was years in the making. Suddenly, everything changed.
Linda Cohen- The KORE Women Podcast
Linda Cohen joins this week’s episode of The KORE Women podcast, with Dr. Summer Watson. Linda, also known as ‘The Kindness Catalyst,’ has been a professional speaker and a consultant for more than a decade and is a member of the national speaker’s association.
Discover the ROI of Kindness
Becoming Preferred Podcast, episode “Discover the ROI of Kindness” with guest Linda Cohen, from host Michael Vickers.