How did you feel about today?

Kindness in the Workplace, Self-Wellness

Back to Work!

How did you feel about today? It’s January 3rd. No matter what your working situation is, how did you feel about going back to work today?

For many people, it is the first day “back to work”. For those with school-age children, they’ve also gone back to school after their own winter break. Perhaps you’ve had several days off or perhaps just a couple of longer vacation-type weeks.

A Post-Pandemic Impact

“Going back to work” has changed during COVID and for many people, the traditional sense of going back to work today has also changed for WFH employees.

So, how did you feel about today?

???? Were you excited to get back to work?

???? Were you looking forward to what you do?

???? Who you get to be with back at work?

Or did you feel the dread last night as you were anticipating this “first day back to work?”

Many Forms of Anticipation

That inner feeling is so important. It’s an indicator to you. It’s your intuition, telling you something. Yes, a job is a livelihood and very important for us to be able to pay our bills and live our lives, but it’s also a barometer, of your own happiness, your own fulfillment and contentment.

If you didn’t feel some excitement to get back to work today, looking forward to your work, or being with your coworkers, if your day-to-day work feels like a slog, something you hate doing but are just doing to tread water, perhaps this new year is the time to consider something else.

You wouldn’t be alone, there is a great deal of research that shows that many people changed jobs, found new careers, or reinvented their work during this global pandemic.

That Little Voice

You get one life to live and it’s too short to spend it slogging. Let that little voice help you determine what else might be possible.

Here’s to a New Year filled with days doing something you love, something that feeds your soul, something that makes you excited to get up and make a difference.

I for one am pretty excited after several days off to “get back to work” this New Year. Guess that’s a good indicator that I continue to love what I do.

What about you? How did you feel about going back to work this week? Join the conversation with us on LinkedIn.